26 September 2011

Are you in Tokyo in the coming weeks?

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The 10,000 World Architects Exhibition has now been set up at Tokyo International Forum!
Facet Studio is exhibiting amongst architects from all over the world... which is an exciting yet humbling experience.
Please visit if you are in Tokyo!

Here is an extract from the 10,000 World Architects website:
The UIA2011 Tokyo: The 24th World Congress of Architecture, held in conjunction with UIA2011 Tokyo, will take place in Tokyo, Japan from September 25 to October 1, 2011.
This will be the largest international architectural congress in the history of Japanese architecture, bringing together an estimated 10,000 architects from 128 countries around the world.
To mark the significance of this event, we are hosting the 10,000 World Architects Exhibition. Symbolizing UIA2011 Tokyo, this exhibition will convey the messages of architects from around the world through the medium of one project image per architect. Japanese and international architects are invited to participate in the creation of this exhibition, which is open to all architects regardless of affiliation.
The exhibition seeks to promote understanding of cultures in different countries through architecture, as well as to convey the architects messages and their works across a broad spectrum of society.

20 September 2011

Paddling under water

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With the media coverage we have been thankfully receiving, seems as though the architectural profession is a lot more glamorous than how it really is! 

Well, lets not get too ahead of ourselves.. architecture is a tough profession and will always be. Continual stubbornness in digging further and further for the right answer, and the endurance required for this perseverance, is something we never forget and always puts in practice.

Last week we have submitted a competition entry (details will be disclosed next month). 
After days and days of long - at times seemingly endless - hours, we have achieved a scheme we believe answers the brief and locale, with a right amount of poetry to finish off with a sweet aftertaste.

JJ had the biggest workspace in the entire office, taking over every available flat surface for model making

Yoshi taking photos of the model for presentation boards


ok, something was wrong with the camera setting, everything came out over-exposed.. I was not intentionally hiding images of the model!

19 September 2011

Glossy Streetology

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We have received a somehow peculiar coverage for Streetology in Gloss Magazine, Brazil.

It is not our usual market or media of promotion, but I must say, I am really glad that our projects have good appeal to a wide range of people and markets!
One of our concept for Streetology was to "visualise commerciality", and to have the shop as a visual reflection of the street trend - This in a way reassures us what we were doing was on the right track.


6 September 2011

Did you check the post?

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Is it already Christmas?
Magazines rolled out of our mail box yesterday!

These were magazines featuring our projects, and the nice publishers have kindly sent us our contributor's complementary copies....yai!



I opened up Urbis! - New Zealand lifestyle magazine

JJ took his pick....

It is Surface - New York based lifestyle magazine!

Well Yoshi's pick is kind of transparent....

It is Surface Asia! Younger version of Surface magazine catering for Asian distribution.

Yet another happy day at Facet Studio - except we are in need to watch our over consumption of dessert in the office...

Excuse the mess in the office as we are working frantically towards a few deadlines ...I mean, comparing to this, which is its (more) normal state:

sparkling clean! the way we like it.

4 September 2011

It's a wrap! at Uchi Lounge

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After the wrap-up dinner at Uchi Lounge on Friday, I felt we can finally call it a completed project.

(Read more about Uchi Lounge HERE - I aim to write about it more in the following few entries)

The team (from left): Raymond (electrical), Jackson (electrical), JJ (FS), Olivia (FS), Yoshi (FS), Charles (builder), Ken (builder)

A few Facet Studio members worth mentioning, and have sadly left Facet Studio before the wrap-up party, are as below.

Big "Thank You!!!" to you all:

Disheng Neo (left), Benjamin Chan (right) - on site light testing

Neo and Ben testing out the lightbox prototype in Facet Studio office

SooJin Hwang - brightening up the construction site with her pink jacket on the right..