We have had a crazy April so far.... M House is approaching the completion in 2 weeks time, Yoshi is actually flying off in 2 days to Japan for project completion.
So here is the round up of site progress for the past 2 weeks....
external rendering started from the Northern facade |
Look at the beautiful texture and subtle colour variation of the Shirazu rendering.. the colour pigment is already in the render mix, so this will be final finish |
Relocating the electricity pole outside the house to somewhere closer to the boundary with neighbour (it was closer to the house). We were concerned if neighbours were going to complain, but luckily they agreed in the end |
Internal wall lining in plasterboard |
......and internal wall undercoat painted (in the bedrooms) |
View from main entry door. We designed a small enclosure for "genkan" (the entry) where people can take their shoes off. This space also provides thermal buffer between inside and outside, as it tends to become quite cold and windy in winter. The genkan space is relatively small with a lower ceiling height, this is intentional to give a contrasting experience to the volume of the house. |
Genkan box is to the right of this photo (the side wall will be installed later for ease of access during construction), it also becomes the back of kitchen joinery. Bookshelf to the left is now complete. To the floor on the right, holes along the wall can be seen; these are for underfloor heating and will be eventually covered up in fine timber slats. |
Staircase between the genkan box and bookshelf, to go up from the main floor to the study space half a storey higher. |
Scaffolding off!!!!!
The entry is 1.2m off the ground so they rely on the little temporary stair to access the inside. This makes the scale of the building difficult to perceive at the moment, the full height glass doors look like windows, and the timber garage door towards the foreground looks like a trap door...... |
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